Thursday, March 29, 2012

Holy Raging Radishes Batman! And other yard news...

I'm like a little kid when it comes to planting seeds.  When I look inside my greenhouse and see something sprouting that I just planted a few days ago, I get excited.  I'm also a bit impatient, which is probably why I get so silly when I see something happening.  Once I plant my garden, I go out there every day to see if I have any vegetables actually growing.  So yesterday, impatient me was peeking into one of the trays of pots and discovered that the radishes are going crazy in there!!  Little sprouts all over the place.  I'm not sure why I planted radishes, as I am not a big fan, but I like the way they look.  And I suppose, in times if crisis, they are better than nothing to eat.  Scarlett O'Hara might disagree on that one.  A few other things are pushing the surface dirt, so by the weekend there should be more stuff sprouting.

Big plans for next week!  It is Spring Break and it is time to get our wild jungle of a yard in order.  It's not even a jungle, as that conjures up visions of green, lush vegetation.  The only thing that is green and lush are the weeds.  Dry winter + spring rain storms + fabulous temperatures in the 70's = prolific WEEDS!!!!!!  The photo below is my beloved veggie much work to do!  Good thing Husband and I have 10 days off (snort!).

And this is after I pulled the weeds 2 weeks ago.  Grrrrrr....

The rest of the yard is either green with weeds, or brown with death.  I guess the hot summer, the lack of proper watering apparatus, our lack of standing outside for hours on end with a hose, the dry winter, and the stupid grasshopper infestation from last year all contributed to our hideous color palette.  I don't really understand what happened to some of the trees.  The top portion of the trees are a door-nail dead...the bottoms are sprouting like crazy.  Ugh. Not sure what to do with these.  

The ones that are completely dead are just getting cut down.  No replacements either.  That requires water, which as previously mentioned, is an issue where we live.  "Storm Warn 30" told us that because of the lack of storms (although when it rained...sprinkled...last week, the weatherman treated it like it was a typhoon), we will have a dry summer.  Not shocking news, as summers here are always dry.  None of the dead trees are really all that valuable anyway.  The trees on this property appear to have been placed in the back of a pickup truck, then the truck was driven as fast as possible to make the trees fall out.  Then they were planted in the exact random spot where they fell out.  Probably not the way it happened, but that's the way it looks to me.  If it had been up to me (and if I owned all of this property), there would have been some useful fruit trees and more shade trees.  Instead we have nonsense like this:

And this:

And of course, this:

I just don't even understand this.  So random.

In any case, we have our work cut out for us this next week.  Slave labor will be in full force (she is not looking forward to this), and I'm hoping for pleasant weather.  I will post before and after shots when we have finished everything.  Go us!!

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