Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Epic Fail

So, I am feeling like a not so Future Farmer of America...the term "epic fail" comes to mind.  I was really excited about sowing my vegetable seeds and getting them in my little greenhouse.  I thought this would be a fairly easy task...by easy, I meant that I would put the trays in the greenhouse, water occasionally, and miraculously, seeds would sprout, thus saving me from hours of wandering the aisles of Orchard Supply Hardware looking for vegetables...which everyone knows I HATE (sarcasm) doing.

It seems this sowing seeds and letting them sprout naturally is much harder than it appears.  I thought seeds would know what to do, but it seems they need much more coddling than I have been giving.  I'm not sure why the pesky weeds seed themselves with ease and my vegetable seeds are struggling with this concept.  (I see a correlation between seeds and society...)  Okay, back to the issue at hand...first of all, I had incorrectly assumed that the moisture level in the greenhouse would be fairly high even if I did not water daily.  Apparently, this is a very delicate balance.  I discovered the day after gleefully seeing corn sprouts, that if one doesn't provide adequate water, the seedlets turn an irreversible shade of brown and die.  Ugh.  I tossed those, went to Walmart and purchased new trays and seeds.  Of course, I managed to come home with more seeds than just corn...weird.  Replanted in those little peat disks...I'm not a fan.  Still waiting for sprouts.  The peat disks are just dumb...you add water to them and they poof up to epic proportions.  Then you are supposed to break the netting, ruffle up the "soil", plant the seeds and then hopefully get seedlets.  Yeah, I must be peat disk challenged, or they just suck.  I'm opting for the latter explanation.

There has been some minor success though.  What has sprouted are all the varieties of squash, some tomatoes, some brussel sprouts, cucumber, beans, and peas.  The herbs are either taking their sweet time, or are just not going to do it.  I'm a very impatient gardener.  I don't do well in wait and see situations.   I have a plan for my herbs this year, however, which involves the boy getting me some half wine barrels.  I think instead of letting them cook in the sun all day, I'm going to plant them in the barrels and place them along the porch railing so I can hook up drip to them.  We'll see...lofty aspirations at this point.  The garden isn't even in a position to plant at this point.  There has been little rain, so I'm pretty sure a jack hammer might be in order.  Husband will be so thrilled.

Signing off now and wishing I had given the seedlets more water this morning...Hopefully, they won't be too sad .

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