Monday, March 26, 2012

I think I've got this!! Well...maybe...

Okay, blogging for realsies now!  No more month long gaps in the action.  I think I might have overcome the feeling that I'm a total failure at this vegetable gardening thing too.  Proof is below!! 

Cucumbers, squash, and soy beans!!  Woo hoo!!

Peas, brussel sprouts, and a variety of tomatoes!

I did a little Googling and found out that while greenhouses are nice and effective when closed up, the plants inside also need to have fresh air and sunshine.  Who knew??  Well, obviously many people must know that.  I know now, so away we go!  

This weekend, Husband and I finally had some time off.  I decided it was high time to get all those other seeds planted that I feel compelled to buy every time I walk into Walmart or Tractor Supply.  I had purchased a ton of peat pots and soil and set up my planting area on the porch.  After filling all the pots with soil, I watered them thoroughly, let them soak through, and then watered them again...another rookie mistake on my part in the past.  After a while, I went out and methodically planted the seeds.  By methodically, I mean I very carefully counted out seeds for each pot.  I make a point of this, because again, in my previous rookie state, I would just dump seeds in and then wonder later why nothing is sprouting.  Dumb.  So, after counting carefully, putting vegetables near others that can easily be friends, and labeling each row so I don't wonder what the heck is this stuff, I watered the babies very carefully.  Yup, did that last time too...turned the water on so hard, half of the seeds flew out with the majority of the soil.  

I was able to put several trays in the greenhouse, but there wasn't room for these.  They will stay out on the porch in the "diffused" sunlight, so I think they will be okay.  I managed to plant quite a variety of things...more squash, beans, cucumbers, pickling cucumbers, peppers (red & green varieties), artichokes, spinach, lettuce, kale, bok choy, radishes, onions, cantaloupe, watermelon, and mini pumpkins.  More herbs too...rosemary, as my first efforts were part of the epic fail, and a couple of others that are now escaping my memory.
All tucked away in the greenhouse.

And now to wait...

Hopefully, this venture will be successful.  Of course, using up all the pots and soil did not deter me from buying three more seed packets yesterday at Walmart...he he he.  At least I'm on the upside of the learning curve.  I think...

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