The local tv station has a weather guy, of course. Like any weather guy in any city, he has no idea if what he is telling us is even accurate. I personally feel that the only accurate weather is the current situation...look out the window and tell me what's going on. But that's sort of silly, since I can look out the window all by myself. Anyway, they have this feature called "Storm Warn" where they predict doom and gloom as far as the weather goes. I'm pretty sure that if any of my relatives on the East Coast were to catch a snippet of this, they would find it absurd that a "storm" that brings an inch of rain over 4 hours is considered worthy of a title like "Storm Warn". I tend to agree.
In any case, the weather predictors had regular updates warning us of impending rain...something about it being the storn of the century etc. Whatever... What did happen was a pretty decent rainfall that lasted more than 24 hours. While I personally did not feel it was worthy of the hype of "storm of the century", it certainly did dump a great amount of rain on our little area. Our ground doesn't know what to do with so much water and therefore "Flooded" signs sprang up all over the place. A few of the roads I travel had small streams running across them and many fields had small lakes forming in them. The mallards were in heaven! I happen to love rain, so I thought it was pretty cool to watch the rain. Especially when I'm indoors...although I did brave a very rainly, windy, and muddy rugby game last Saturday.
The chickens were a little put off that their coop floor had turned to mush, but they rallied through and still laid 10 eggs one day and 9 the next. With it being so squishy, they may as well stay inside the condos and be productive. They were.
Now, speaking of being productive...I had been extremely productive a couple of weekends ago and had prepared half of the vegetable garden. The rain and wind managed to undo most of what I had so carefully done. Ugh. The plastic was blown off of the rows and the rain made big puddles everywhere. Looks like I might need to start over once it gets a little drier. That won't be for a while though. The tv station has started up with the Storm Warn nonsense it was 61 degrees, by the way... Apparently there will be another 3 or 4 day deluge on it's way starting tomorrow. I'm actually okay with that, since this desert valley really needs the water and the rain makes the mountains look really pretty with all the snow.
The seedlets are getting to be kind of big though, so I am not sure what to do with them during all this rain. They are still pretty content on top of the dryer. All have sprouted except for the peppers...and yes, my "map" was backwards on top of the seed house. I was wondering why the peppers looked so much like squash. ha!!
In other news, we have again lost a chicken. Avery seems to have gotten loose yet again...and plundered another hen. Not good. I thought she was going to get one yesterday, when the boy let her out of her indoor kennel and she plowed through the screen door. Someone (the boy) didn't think to hold on to her or to open the door first. She ran full speed through the screen, followed by the boy on all fours through the new "doggie door" in the screen door. Seriously??? Funny now...not so funny yesterday.
Well, I am now finishing this post on Wednesday...the day of the big STORM!!! It has started raining and as predicted, the general population is either griping or acting like they have never seen this stuff called r-a-i-n. I shudder to think what they would do if snow actually started to fall...not hail, which often times gets confused for snow here in the Central Valley. Aaaaahhhh...well, almost time to head home to let the flock out for their afternoon of bug hunting and other shenanigans.
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