Plans are on the!

So today I visited the local Home Depot to get all the things needed for the garden. I think I did that and more...I bought soaker hoses, male and female hose thingies, stakes, string, garden soil ( a very large man named Larry said that was just as good as fertilizer...he'd better be right!), a plastic greenhouse for the herb seeds, a trellis for the peas and beans, and a few other random things I felt I must have for success. When I got home, I planted the herb seeds in the little greenhouse, which are hanging out on top of the frig now. Then I decided that since I bought all the stuff, I should probably get crackin' on getting the ground ready. The weather was pretty nice today and I needed a workout!
So, here are the perfect tools for getting the garden ready...
I set a goal to get at least a third of the garden hand "rototilled" with the fabulous garden "weasel" I borrowed this morning. Not sure why it's called a garden is more of a garden torture device...for the person using it. I finally tossed it aside and opted for the garden "claw" that I had in the shed. It clawed all the big weeds quite nicely and things started moving much quicker. On a side note...I would like to know who comes up with these ridiculous names for all these implements..."weasel", "claw"...and let's not forget the "hula hoe" which I have never found to be very useful...although I have two. Anyway, after "weaseling" and "clawing" for a couple of hours, I managed to get 4 rows ready for the nutrient rich garden soil Larry at Home Depot talked me into could I go wrong at 4/$10.00???? So once I got the soil ready, I decided to cover the rows with black plastic (garbage bags) to kill the remaining weeds...I've been reading and that was suggested by the Farmer's Wife of The Farmer's Wife Guide to Growing a Great Garden & Eating From it, Too! She's a farmer's wife, so she muct know something. I managed to get half the garden ready and have thoughts about finishing tomorrow...we'll see...I'm quite sore.
After a couple of hours of work, this is what I accomplished...
This is what I have not accomplished...maybe tomorrow...if my body doesn't protest too much.
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