The rain of course held off until today, so Fish and I did have volleyball practice after school. It wouldn't be so bad, except that I coach the kids that are still struggling with basic skills (that's a really nice way of saying they are terrible and afraid of the ball still). And man, do they argue about the dumbest stuff. Like who gets the "good" ball, or what line they should be standing behind (they practice on grass and the lines are imaginary), or who is better at serving. I can tell them that none of them are any good at it, so stop arguing and start learning. Ugh. Okay, well that was completely off the subject.
When we got home from school, Husband was stringing a new clothesline for me...out of 550 cord, of course...but told me to go look at the garden. I was very pleasantly surprised with the rock that is now in the walkway! It looks so nice and will make for easier access into the garden. I can set my tools down, my basket for collecting all the deliciousness growing, etc. without having mud all over them. Yippee!
Rocks in the walkway! Woot woot!
Here's the promised picture of the weed fabric down on the garden rows.
Now all that's left to do is wait for the seedlets to get to an appropriate size and start planting. I'm going to actually write down all the things I have started, so I can map out where they will go in the garden. A few of the rows are spaced a little farther apart, so squash and cucumbers will go there as they love to spread out. Lil' pumpkins, as we call them, watermelon, and cantaloupe will be grown on the outside of the garden. They just choke everyone else out. Now I want the seedlets to hurry up! I've been pinning so many delicious looking recipes on Pinterest and need to start trying them out! One addiction leads to another, I'm afraid.
Oh, for some quick poultry news...the chickens are all quite productive these days and my smallest daily haul is 8 eggs. The Leghorns, however, seem to be on strike. I am not sure if it is out of solidarity towards each other, as I not so lovingly pushed one off of her roost the other night while I was trying to collect eggs in the dark! I didn't want to get pooped on, as they perch directly over the doorway to the coop. She squawked and her sibling came at me with flailing wings. Awesome. Since then, there have been no giant white eggs. I suppose maybe some sort of apology on my part, may be in order. Apologizing to a chicken...huh.
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