Thursday, February 9, 2012

Mother win...I concede, but this whole "spring weather" thing is under protest!  76 degrees today?  Really?  It's February for goodness sake.  We had a smattering of rain the other day, but it wasn't enough to make my garden workable.  I'm pretty sure Husband and I are going to have to soak the garden just so we can rototill.  It looks like a huge task and I'm not really looking forward to it.  

On a more positive note, the pleasant weather this last weekend did get me motivated to get my little greenhouse put together.  It was actually super easy and I only put one piece on backwards.  I don't read directions and thankfully, there were some pictures to guide me.  I went to Walmart and picked up more peat pots.  Seed planting...begin!  Pictures to follow in my next post.  

In other news...poultry news, to be exact...the girls are pretty funny as they have become adults.  Their individual personalities come out at different times.  The two leghorns are smaller than the others, but rule the roost from above the door.  They sleep up there every night and in the morning when I go to feed the girls, they watch to see if I have food or not.  As soon as I open the lid to the trash can where I keep the chicken "crack", they walk to the edge of the ledge and jump down onto the condos and start making noise. They rally the rest of the girls when there's food if they didn't already know.  "Hey, there's that lady with the has yummy stuff in it."

The fancy chicken (Auracana) is now a loner, as her sister was murdered in early fall.  I say murdered because I think there was some sort of conflict and some gang mentality that went down in the coop.  Can't really blame them, as both of them acted like the coop divas.  In fact, if we let the girls out to forage in the yard, Diva chicken wanders around like she owns the place.  Then when it's time to come in for the night, she get her feathers all ruffled and refuses to go in.  She'll run willy nilly all over the yard squawking and acting like Colonel Sanders is back from the dead looking for the next bucket victim.  Once we go inside, she'll roost in the tree that hangs over the coop and mock the others with her "charming" chicken voice.  Then the next morning, the crazy running starts all over again.  I managed to trick her the other day and got her back in the coop (she'd been out for almost 2 weeks!).  The others definitely don't like her though.  Too much drama.  She lays some pretty green eggs though...might be her only redeeming quality.

The best part of letting the girls out to forage is when I come home from work.  They all come running up to the car clucking away.  They must think the car is like a giant feeder!  Then they follow me to the deck and one of these days, they are going to follow me into the house.  Hope there's video of that someday!!

My girls!

Time to get some graph paper (yes, I'm old school) and map out the garden.  Again, I learned some things last year and am going to tweak the order of the veggies.  Some day, I'll get it right.  Some day...

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