We got veggies!! Woo hoo!! I went out to the garden one day last week, as I have been checking every so often to see how things are progressing. The anticipation of ripe vegetables has been killing me. I had to look under leaves and poke through the ridiculous amount of weeds that are happily growing. I was super thrilled to see the following:
Early Girl tomatoes...my favorite!
Some sort of squashiness...
Peas...although since this photo was taken, these have been eaten by the $%$#@! grasshoppers.
Spaghetti squash. NO clue what to do with those. :o)
Green peppers!
Cherry tomatoes...the red one never made it to the house...he he he...
Seems the vegetables are going to be fairly prolific despite the stupid grasshoppers. Edamame and snap peas won't be happening, but the rest seems to be weathering the blight. I put a chicken in the garden the other day and after about five minutes, she figured out that there was a bevy of hopping protein morsels...she couldn't decide which way to go first. Funny.
On a sadder (??) note, Lady Gaga met with an untimely demise, courtesy of you know who. It was the teenagers third night out of their halfway house and I thought all of them had made it into the large coup the night before. Apparently Gaga, being somewhat true to her namesake, decided to be different and spend the night out. When I let Avery out of her kennel the next morning, she immediately sensed that there was a chew toy out and about. Took her about 45 seconds to locate Gaga and put the death grip on her. Sad...I liked Gaga's colors. Down to 15...soon to be 14 though...because we have another rooster! Aaaaarrrggghhh!!! He was attempting a crowing session this morning, which is a lot like listening to a teenage boy when his voice changes. Painful. He is one of my favorites too, as far as looks go. Boo. But, I do not want any more roosters...they are either annoying or mean.
The rooster is the white & black one in the middle.
omg...I'm sitting in the living room typing this and out of the corner of my eye, I see some sort of quick movement. Followed by another...the teenagers are having some sort of foot race and keep sprinting past the slider. Ha ha ha...the entire flock of adult hens just sprinted by en mass. And now, they are all back in front of the door, just milling about, looking for snacks, as if nothing was going on a few minutes ago. One is drinking out of the dog's water bucket...oh boy...
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