Monday, May 2, 2011

Halfway House

The teenagers have a new home!  Friday, I worked at the farm store after school and when I got home, there was an amazing structure sitting in the back of the adult hen house.  I'm pretty happy that husband is able to think up things and then put them into reality.  He usually explains what he is planning to do and I usually don't get it.  I used to stress out about it and ask a hundred questions and still not fully comprehend what he had in mind.  My mind pictures work much differently than his most of the time.  I've learned through the years to just nod my head, be supportive, and wait for the finished product.  I haven't been disappointed yet.  My brother-in-law is very fact, when he planned out their redwood mansion, my sister-in-law said that he was trying to tell her what he had in mind, but was having trouble articulating.  I found that they know what they want to do in their head, but we just don't think the matter though, they produce pretty awesome stuff, so we're ultimately happy.  The teenagers are definitely ready to be out of their tub and I think the little ones will be really happy to get the teens out of their world.  There was a lot of bullying going on...we know how devastating that can be...ha ha.

The little coop has a top door which makes it pretty easy to change out their water and put their food in.  I'm glad we kept the old feeders...they are perfect for the little coop.  Husband even built them two nesting boxes and positioned them so that they can get in the boxes and stay out of the wind.  He's thoughful like that.  The coop also has a front door down low, so they can get in and out and we can clean easily.  I heard the Fish helped with the door design...pretty smart idea.  I'm really happy about the whole set-up. 

Saturday morning, we put the teens in their new temporary home...sort of like a halfway house.  They love it!  First they weren't too sure what to do about all the space they now have.  The other issue was that they were a little intimidated by the big kids...especially Thunder and Big Bird.  Honestly, Big Bird scares me too, so I can only imagine how the teens felt.  They stayed in one of the nesting boxes until they were quite certain none of the big ones were going to come barreling through their new place.  Funny, the shoe is on the other foot now...although that analogy doesn't really work since chickens don't wear shoes...whatever.  The babies in the garage tub also seemed pretty happy about the move.  They had so much room to run around and their water actually stayed clean for most of the day.  No unruly beasts kicking shavings into the water.  Pretty soon, though, the babies will also be teens and will be joining their older siblings in the group home.  They still need a night light, as they still have lots of fluffy feathers.  Down, if you will. Below are som eshots of the teenagers at home.

Discovering food and water.  They still kick the shavings in the water, but it isn't quite as devastating as the little water container being completely buried with shavings.

Lady Gaga seems to be enjoying the new space.

Fog and Horn, along with their Australorp sisters...Gaga and "she who has yet to be named" in the background.  More on this naming stuff later.

So, Saturday night went well...the teenagers found solace and warmth huddled in one of the nesting boxes and by morning were exploring all aspects of their new home.  I came out at one point and one of the Australorps was on top of the water dispenser.  She slid off shortly after and we all had a good laugh.  By all, I mean me and the chickens.  Such an entertaining little crew.  Sunday, they found the top of the nesting boxes and at one point, they were taking turns jumping off og the top.  Typical teenage behavior.  There is so much more to share, but will save that for a future blog. 

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