I started in the farthest corner of the garden and decided that pulling these knee high weeds manually wasn't going to cut it. Especially since somehow, goatheads have been introduced into the yard. I'm going to inflict some serious harm on someone if I ever find out how those got there...they are miserable beasts. Those things hurt like the dickens when you get poked by them. Anyway, I got a shovel, put on my super awesome pink gardening gloves that protect my hands from the pokey things, and started attacking the weeds down low by the roots. The chickens sensed that earth was being moved and joined me in the garden. They are really good at finding worms and other little num nums. So after about an hour of this, I took a little break. I had been taking little potshots at the chickens when they would get too close to where I was working. Pretty funny to see them get scared and try to fly away. Honestly, there has to be some entertainment value to these menial tasks. When I came back from my break, much to my dismay, it looked like I hadn't touched a single weed...the front weeds were blocking the view of what I had cleared. This wouldn't do at all, so I finished the rest. The results look good, although when you look at the picture, the ground still looks deceivingly green. There are a lot of smaller weeds that really don't deserve the amount of effort I was putting forth. That will all go away when we rototill.
Looking east...
So, after I finished getting the weeds out, I decided to go look around the yard...go on an early Easter egg hunt...I really feel like the chickens are laying eggs all over the place, but I can't find any other than in the Blazer or in the shed (it's been rediscovered!). The only one I found was between the old unused dog house and the coop. Seriously? I cannot fit any part of my body in there to get it. I figured I would get one of my long armed children on it at a later time. While I was focused on the mislaid egg, I noticed that the condos were pretty disgusting.
I decided to clean those while I was at it...you'd think I could put some similar effort into cleaning my house...nah... After some effort, I managed to fill a large tub with all sorts of chicken poop, which will be spread about in the garden. I think this might be a key in happy vegetables. The chickens seemed to be pleased with their clean home as well.
Nothing like a clean house...
Satisfied customers.
I had high hopes that the chickens would be eternally grateful for my cleaning spree and reward me by laying a multitude of eggs. I don't get it...only two eggs yesterday, and one the day before that. I can't imagine they enjoy the filth, but they are weird creatures. They remind me of people...some are smart, but the majority of them are not. One smart one, moved the egg that was between the dog house and the coop...moved it through the chain link fence into the coop. Must be someone with some maternal instincts.
Next on the agenda? Well, it's supposed to storm like crazy today and tomorrow...possible snow flurries in fact. Rototill next week, then lay out the soaker hoses. I guess a plan is still in order. Next week...
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