Friday, January 20, 2012

Rain, How I Have Missed You!

It is raining...after much hoping, praying, and a little rain jig or is finally falling out of the sky!  I am hoping that we will get some use out of the whole Storm Warn 30 segment on the local news.  That is still a source of comedic entertainment for me.

So, last weekend, I was at my local Walmart (not anything out of the ordinary for me).  For months, all I have seen when I walk in the Garden entrance, was something that looked like Christmas had thrown up.  Gaudy fake trees, a few realistic trees, blow-up Santas, light-up reindeer, clear and multi-colored lights and mostly grouchy people.  When I walked in this last weekend, I saw actual garden items.  What of course sucked me in, was the giant 16 foot seed display.  Top to bottom seed packets.  Everything from herbs to flowers to vegetables.  Giddy...that's how I felt.  My first instinct was to check out every variety they had...maybe take a few photos for future reference.  I tried to remember why I had even come in to the store and remembered that I was in search of yarn for my headband making "non-business".  I tried to walk in to the store, but the pull of the seed display was too much.  I ended up picking out several seed packets, some peat pots, and some replacement peat disks. The spoils of my efforts can be seen below!  Cannot wait to get these little guys started!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

And, I'm back...

Has it really been since September that I last blogged about chickens and the trials and tribulations associated with the fowl creatures and my garden?  Doesn't seem like it, but I'm afraid I've been a lazy blogger and got caught up in another project...headbands.  Lucrative, yet short lived (thank God!).

Today marks yet another (!!!) day without any rainfall.  I think the last time it rained was in November.  I tried to Google that, but was unsuccessful.  We need rain...I wouldn't even complain a little bit about the inconveniences it would cause.  Promise.  Husband and I discussed the garden's future plans and how we would very much like to rototill the soil.  I'm afraid if we get the rototiller in there now, several tines would break off, making for some unnecessary projectiles.  Guess I'll have to start soaking the soil now.

On a much more positive note, Husband bought me a little greenhouse to get my little ones started in this year.  One that won't take up valuable dryer top space and one that can be dismantled and put away at the end of the season.  Of course I would love a walk-in sort of greenhouse, which I plan to have someday, but for now, this will do quite nicely.  The price was right and so was the size.  It's still in the trunk of my car.  This might be the week to get it out and assemble it.

This is hopefully going to be easy to put together!

I found another "tool" that might make my life a bit easier.  Territorial Seed Company has a vegetable garden planner app on its website.  You can use it free for 30 days and then pay some silly amount to have it email you when it's time to plant things.  I think I will save the money, use the app, and write down all the pertinent information.  Anyway, the app helps you organize your vegetables in an orderly fashion and gets those veggies that can't get along away from each other.  Pretty cool from what I can tell.  Just started playing with it today.  Speaking of, I'm going to go back and start plugging in things I want to grow and see what pearls of wisdom it can give me.  Do peppers really like to hang out by the tomatoes??  And can brussel sprouts live harmoniously with bush beans??  Stay tuned...